Tracking Ed Monroe as he travels to Haiti and other exotic(?) places

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Haiti on a rainy Tuesday late afternoon

It is nearly 6 PM and the rain will soon arrive over the mountains. I have been tracking this storm as it has come off the coast of Africa and we should experience it soon. I should go out to the patient waiting area and count the number of people for you who will spend the night in the cold and wet area. I have just heard that we served over 360 patients today. We saw somewhere around 350 yesterday. Many have been very tough and I urge you to read the blog at for more details from other team members. I am especially touched by the snow cone story as it was repeated again today. Brother Nego and Ellen, My friends from Jacmel, came to the clinic this morning and we treated two of their friends. Nego and Ellen had been in the USA and were happy to be back in Haiti. I was also visited by my sponsor child, John Carrey Pantaleon but as usual, we were swamped in the pharmacy and I only had time to give him a back pack and some cars (machines). His eyes really began to light up at the machines. I asked Becky Novack to take our picture and hope to upload it soon. Some of the team members have just gone outside the gate to find out how much it would cost to feed all of the people stuck in the rain. We have seen so much malnutrition and starving people. You will never understand the problems until you see the dossiers with weight loss from clinic to clinic. It is simply awful. You, in America, have it so darn good. Even my sponsor child is NOT putting on weight for almost 1 year now. He still looks and acts healthy and I am grateful for that. The Internet is working and I need a shower before dinner. I was very happy to get a nice email from my wife today. I’ll be home soon! I really appreciate all of your comments and post them when I can. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Late addition for Mrs C: DC is not the sick one……

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should send Campbell a direct note about the malnutrition in Haiti. It may help him reduce his food dependency...

See you Friday!