Tracking Ed Monroe as he travels to Haiti and other exotic(?) places

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday March 17, 2009 9 PM

Happy Saint Patrick’s day. One of today’s funnies was a Haitian with a Green Saint Patrick’s day shirt on who had no idea that it was Saint Patrick’s day let alone who Saint Patrick ever existed. We celebrated the day with a taste of Irish whiskey courtesy of Katie Koehler. Thank you Katie!
I have a message for Tracy Higdon’s friends and family. She has some problems with her email and the passwords. So she was unable to get on to her Comcast account or her Google accounts, and that darn Facebook would not cooperate either. I convinced her to use my email to send to her partner and let her know the problem. I told her to use her name as the subject so her partner would not send the message to the trash. Her partner helped her with the proper sign on and she is now back in business.
Next I want to send a message to Sue Behrens about Silver Nitrate. The can that was packed in the Peoria bags come open. I now have permanent black stains on my hands and on my good FOTCOH shirt from unpacking them in a warm moist atmosphere. Next time, please put the %%&&$$ things in a baggie.
We had lots of babies today. Two of our failure to thrive babies on Medika Mamba showed up. Incidentally, we managed to see 249 patients on our first day. We ended the day with 33 of the patients who were supposed to be here last week for their refills. Papa Dick gave them an angry lecture about responsibility.
First day problems were relatively minor and I had to tease our leader, Lynn that the team meeting went on too long. We did not sit down to dinner till after 7 PM. I am pleased to report that Zach did great working in the pharmacy. His mother, Marlena, was also helping me today in the pharmacy. Tomorrow, poor Mickey has to put up with me. Speaking of that, I may get strangled or murdered by Dr Jo. I have been teasing her and tonight she threw a pen at me when I again brought up a “moving” subject. Speaking of Dr Jo, she is a great physician and I am so pleased that she is a part of this team. I do hope she stays involved in FOTCOH as she will be a valuable asset.
We are out of Beclometasone inhalers but saved by the Triamcinolone inhalers that the upcoming May team sent down for us. BTW, it seems that we have re-established a working agreement with Lynx air for air freight shipments.
Other helpers in the pharmacy today were Dr Jo, Peggy, and Linda. Others tried to help but it gets too crowded and too hectic for more than 6 people at one time in that small of a space.
I hear the stars are quite visible on the roof this evening, all of the other nights we have had too many clouds. It will be interesting for the folks from Washington to be about to see the Southern Cross in the sky. So I’ll close to do a bit of star gazing.

I am still hoping for more comments. Come on folks, let me hear from you!

Let me include some photos from Holly Melroe’s camera



Anonymous said...

So happy you have this blog. I am hungry for news of Haiti and my darling seester Dr. Jo. Just read her email and stopped sobbing long enough to write this. She has such a big heart and I knew these wonderfully brave Haitians would surely touch it. Please keep an eye on her (in between teasing her ofcourse!)Give her a big fat hug for me, will ya? Can't wait for your next 'ed-ition'.

Anonymous said...


mom and i are looking at your blog during Grace's b-day party. hope all is well in Haiti!!

We love you.
