Tracking Ed Monroe as he travels to Haiti and other exotic(?) places

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wednesday July 16 noon

I am sitting in front of a fan to cool off after a quick lunch. Jamie had to treat an abscess on a small girl's leg this morning and the girl screamed for 1 1/2 hrs. I stayed behind at lunch time to fill her order and send her on her way. Message to Bob Hoy, Jean Fredrique got his package-what ever that means.
Thanks to Nancy and Lynn for the comments. Lynn, hope all is well in Washington State. One of our team members now lives in Seattle but I do not know what hospital she will be working at. She is the person that encouraged Liz & Renee to join us in March-April.
Nancy, I'll pray for CJ to make it into that school. I had wondered if he would be able to apply at this late date. I never did hear the name of the school in Simi Valley.
More after clinic-time to get back to work.


Rickster said...

Got your link from the girls from Peoria IL
Lisa and Kelly Phillips down there helping you out.
Sounds like your all doing great work. I was hoping to see some pictures posted from your experience down there. Maybe next time

Rickster said...

Please say Hi to the girls from Peoria IL
Lisa and Kelly Phillips.
They are there assisting you and the others in helping out.
Hope you all are well and our prayers are with you
Was hoping to see some pictures of the experience you're having there but maybe next time

Anonymous said...

stuck in the bowels of the Wyndam O'Hare. Exotic humidity sounds pretty good when you're enduring flourescent 65 degrees. Looking forward to our anniversary tomorrow, kids' weekend and our trip next week. keep up the great work! I love you, dad.
