Tracking Ed Monroe as he travels to Haiti and other exotic(?) places

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday March 27, 2008

Okay so I was off by one day on yesterday's blog. As ususl, I am a day late and a dollar short. That would be me-Ha!
This morning the sunrise is blocked by the rain clouds. I am sitting at my usual ricking chair on the third floor balcony but away from the railing. He rain is a fine mist and there is a nice cool breeze along with it. We did not get rain yesterday but today may be the day for a rain.
We saw 253 patients yesterday so it was a busy day. We finished in the pharmacy at 5 PM and I was happy about that. One of the strange things yesterday was that we had several large families to deal with at the end and therefore lots of screaming kids. I teased crowd control that the mix was intentional foul. I understand that we treated a severe burn case but I did not get to see it.
My back held out for another day and I experienced no pain. I do my stretching and exercises and that is working so far. Diana, again, sat on my back to help me to stretch. She has learned that I am strange. Ha!
Just after I came up from the pharmacy at 5 PM, Barb introduced me to Gerald Jean. He is a young man that helped build he clinic and is currently studying Architecture (sp?) at a college in Port-Au-Prince. The rain has driven me inside. Several people help to sponsor Gerald Jean and they collected money to purchase a computer for him. I managed to order it and carry it into the country. So, instead of a rest, I helped him to set up the computer. Our internet connection has slowed down and long story short we finished at 9 PM with time for dine and team meeting in between. Gerald Jean loves to sing and had some Christian music he was trying to learn. Diana taught him the song? Doxology”. She is involved in youth ministry at her home in Kentucky. She also has a beautiful voice and sang for us. The guitar made out and she is trying to tune it. I was amazed to find out you can use the internet to tune a guitar.
Katy was assigned to help me in the pharmacy yesterday and was very nervous and cautious all morning long. After lunch I told her that I was comfortable with allowing her to work independently and she really did a good job then. She double and triple checked her work and asked questions when the need arose. I am very proud of Katy.
This team continues to work well together and laughter is the medicine of the day. They are a hard working, fun loving, and very professional group. It is so neat to watch them all pitch in to help whenever help is needed. I am proud to work with them.
I got up a little later today as it was after 10 when I finally got to bed so breakfast calls. Thanks for your prayers. We feel them down here.


Anonymous said...

So glad your back is holding up. We are having rain here today too and with some thunder to boot. Can't say it is warm though... We praying for you and the team
Love Jody M

Anonymous said...

off to surgery. hope your day goes well (and mine, too). i love you, dad.
