Tracking Ed Monroe as he travels to Haiti and other exotic(?) places

Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday Night

We have just finished our last team meeting and our last meal together. The Haitian girls treated us to beans and rice, tomatoes-onions-lobster sauce, and very spicy pickle. It was good. We leave for Jacmel aairport at 6:30 AM EST. If you wish to follow our flights go to Our flights are: AA 822 PAP-MIA, AA 1035 MIA-ORD, and AA 4379 ORD-PIA. We HOPE to be home around 10 PM CST. That means a 17 hour trip. We hope to be home safe and sound. I will not be on line till sometime Wednesday so this will be the last post till then. God bless you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, I hope you are all getting home soon. My friend is with you, Sue Behrens. I miss her, but am proud of all that you are doing.I feel sorry for the igornance of some people that reply to your blog. Not brave enough to give there name, but yet are lucky to voice their opinions. Some people just look at the negative and not the positive. You deserve the fun you may have for all the hard, sometime thankless jobs you do there.I don't have a google account but I will post my name here. Kimberly Martin. Thank You and God Bless you for all you do!