Tracking Ed Monroe as he travels to Haiti and other exotic(?) places

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sunday AM

This morning we ate bacon & pancakes, what a nice treat for a late breakfast. Most of the team slept in this morning. I did not get up until 6:30 AM. One hour extra felt good. The overnight rain, and we had a lot of rain but no thunder, dropped the room temp so that we had to pull up the sheets to keep warm. That is the first time on this trip that I have used the top sheet. For most of the nights I just lay still and try not to sweat.

Justin used my camera and we have made progress on the ID badges for the Haitian helpers. With my Kodak Dock, we could download them into Dick’s computer and print the pictures. No, I have yet to solve the wireless problem. Lisa’s mom sent us a tip but it did not work. The lap top is connected but IE will not display the page. Hey Chris, do you think you could take time to call Tim Flynn at American PC Solutions and see if he has any ideas?? Thanks.

We had a nice prayer service this morning for about one hour. Justin played and he and Audra sang. They printed out the words to the songs so we could all join in. Bruce led the service and surprised us with a short homily. Papa Dick and I did our Agape part and we had some sharing to close. This group likes to pray before meals and that is nice. At noon we will be off to Ti Moulage and the beach party. There are some clouds in the sky but not as threatening as in February. Girls are packing their beach bags and the guys are stocking the coolers. The young ones are gathered around a table playing some sort of a number game that I can’t remember how to spell it’s name. I’m NOT tired. HA!

Last night at the Ambians, we had the place to ourselves. The team members who went to town earlier encounter a large group of blancs (whites) from central Florida. The name of the group is “Without Borders”. They travel the world and experience other cultures. There is no other purpose to the group other than that. To us, that is a sad waste of money when there is no great a need here. Maybe by the things they purchase here, they will at least enhance the economy. Oops. Time for the tap-tap ride to the beach. I will try to download pictures tonight for tomorrow’s post.

Praise the Lord for a day of rest!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the Blog, as does my mom. God bless all of you.

I suspect that it must be firewall settings not letting the client computers connect. My Mac jumped on the network the very second you switched the router on, but I had the firewall disabled.

be well and stay safe!
Josh (pirate)