Tracking Ed Monroe as he travels to Haiti and other exotic(?) places

Friday, February 17, 2006

School days and I am in trouble

Many of the group watched movies and the Olympics last night to see Peoria's own Matt Savoie skate on the ice. The Haitians girls made us a wonderful Haitian meal with beet/potato salad, rice & beans & red sauce. It was great. I will miss some of this food.
This morning Barb Hammond and I ventured up to Tina's school. It is located on the main road about 1 mile from our compound. We visited all of the grades from the smallest to the largest. It was very much fun. Each class sang us a different song and it was neat to see who would sing, who was shy, who were the rebels, and so on. At one of the higher grades, I estimate our 7th -10th grades, there was a young man who spoke excellent English and had some of the American lingo added in. It was fun to talk with him and tease him in front of his peers. Smiles everywhere. Brought tears of joy to my old eyes as I thought of family back home, my little friends in Holland, etc. It brings tears as I write this. Thankfully every one but Donna, our sun goddess, Courtney, who is under the weather, and me, the sun recluse are here at the compound. The rest are at Ti Moulouge, the nice beach. We chose to stay back. I need to clean up some files (temporary internet files) off this computer and do a defrag to try to speed it up a little. I am in trouble with the group however. When I tried to read the Haitian's handwritten information about the VOIP telephone number I misread one digit. What I took for a 7 was a 2 so for those who need our phone number it is: 309-329-5014. We are getting incoming calls now that I have that corrected. I am not yet sure what punishment the group will inflict upon me. Probably many lashes with a wet noodle! As of the writing all is quiet in P-A-P and 5 people may get to fly out of here at 7 AM on Tortug Air or Carbintair flights to P-A-P. At P-A-P, they will spilt up on two flights, at 11AM and 1PM, to head to Miami. We have asked them to call us back from Miami so that we know they are safely in the good old USA. It was good to hear my son's voice when he called. I cheated and sent him the number with a request that he call me back to make sure it was working. I suspect that the phone will be busy tonight. It is a little hard to get used to the delay caused by the phone signal going from the computer to the satellite to the ground station and through the hard wires to the person on the other end. I have not timed the delay but it seems to be about 20-30 seconds so conversation is jerky. Also when someone is on either or both of the computers it is even longer. I am told that is due to "packets" of information that are transmitted. It also knocks out some computer email "sends." It's all way over my head, for sure. I hope to write more tomorrow with more news of our USA prospects. We are still wondering if there was a concluding episode of Gilligan's Island so we know how we will get back. Someone, in an email, said they would contact Brad Pitt and Angeline Jolie to come to our aid from the Dominican Republic. What do you thank the chances of that are? There is also a rumor that an article is in the current Peoria Journal Star about our plight. We were hoping to avoid that as it might cause people to worry unnecessarily, cause people not to volunteer for future missions, cause people not to contribute to FOTCOH for our important work here. That reminds me. This morning a small baby from Marigot was brought in by her mother and father. She has a severe cleft palate. We had treated her for scabies and they were not going away. I mixed up another batch, added som anti fungal cream and antibiotics for her skin infection. Mom, of course, had to show me her skin rash all over the trunk of her body. With Mario, the interpreters help, I showed her how to apply the cream to the baby as she was just gobbing (hello Bob Hoy-I hate that word) the cream all over the baby and often not where it was needed. I also showed her how to administer the antibiotic to the baby. I found that we have a picture but I had to email it to myself and I'll publish it here when I get back to Peoria. Perhaps God did have a reason that we were to stay here. Only He knows. Thanks for the many emails today. They help us a lot. It's starting to cloud up so I'd better go find Donna and sit with her. We are reading, reading, reading. With our chaperone Courtney, we can't do much else... Keep on praying, please.

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